Jane Addams to Clara Landsberg, September 29, 1910

Bar Harbor, Maine.

Dear Sister Clara

I am going to New York for a day on my way to Boston, partly because Mrs. Bowen's plans call her there and partly because I want to see Macmillan about the book.

I will be in New York on Friday and back in Boston on Saturday afternoon. My address there for Sat. [page 2] noon until Monday night will be c/o Miss Mary Rozet Smith

Westminster Hotel
Copley Square Boston

and from Tuesday A.M. until Thursday P.M. the address will be at

the Plymouth Inn
Northampton Mass.

I will be at Hull-House on Sunday morning arriving on the Twentieth Century train from Boston. [page 3]

Will you kindly give this information to Grace that she may answer inquiries, and of course I want a telegram if Mrs Jones dies. For so many reasons, I am frantic to be back and with the Smith "honor" [illegible] at the bottom of the sea.

My love to you --

Always yrs

Jane Addams

Sept 29" 1910