Paul Underwood Kellogg to Jane Addams, March 23, 1920


March 23, 1920

Miss Jane Addams
Hull House
Chicago, Illinois

My dear Miss Addams:

Here is a subscription sheet we are trying out this fortnight in Cincinnati; next in St. Louis. The suggestion is that of Mr. Max Senior; the work starting off with a meeting in each city of perhaps a dozen active friends of the Survey and spreading out through readers and cooperating subscribers who are members of boards, committees, etc.

I am hoping that members of our own Board will try it out in some group natural to them and I am sending you sheet No. 311.

March 31 closes the first six months of our fiscal and publishing year. With a roster of paid and pledged cooperating subscribers equalling that of the full twelve months two years ago, there is tangible evidence indeed that the Survey's emphasis on events, experience and evidence is carrying conviction as a common basis for membership and support. We are publishing the roster to date and a bit of a "Story of the Survey" in response to requests from different people in this week's issue. The issue carries also the full report of the President's Industrial Conference; a supplement made possible by gift of Mr. Julius Rosenwald and concluding our consecutive treatment of the industrial conference since early fall by means of reportorial articles, texts of resolutions, Professor Seager's general review of the field in January, and symposia in which employers, labor leaders, industrial experts and men and women of affairs have participated.

Early in April I shall send you a brief memorandum covering business developments during the six months. And at our first meeting we should take up the question of a further raise in the subscription price of the Survey; for an increase of 25% in printing charges and 33-1/3% in paper since January 1st has more than destroyed the new equilibrium gained between subscription receipts and manufacturing cost as result of [page 2] the raise in rate to $4 eighteen months ago. In such a period when, on the one hand, enhanced publication costs are straining our budget to the utmost, and when, on the other hand, there is healthy response on the part of The Survey to every ounce of energy we can put into its promotion, the staff will need the active cooperation of the Board in clearing the second and more difficult half year.

As you will see by the statement published in this week's Survey, we need to muster an additional [615] cooperating subscribers; six $100, fifty-six $50 and forty-six $25 contributions to clear our maintenance fund.

We need to raise $6317.92 to clear our general and special funds. We should make a beginning in this six months toward the special funds for family welfare, health, child welfare, crime and civics to match our industry and foreign service funds.

I shall be glad to have any suggestions or help in response to this identical letter sent to every member of the Board.
