Edward William Bok to Jane Addams, March 28, 1910



March twenty-eighth
Nineteen hundred and ten

My dear Miss Addams:

Thank you very much indeed for your note about Mr. Watt. It is exactly what I wanted to know, and I feel now prepared to consider his manuscript in a favorable way.

I was thinking last evening whether I could not induce you to write some brief editorials for me. In your busy life and out of your great experience there must be some vital thoughts that you would like to present to our great public in the impersonal way that an editorial page would make possible to you. There is certainly an opportunity here — as you know [page 2] from your experience in writing for us -- for a tremendous amount of good, and I should be delighted to have you on the page. No one need know that you are doing this work for us.

If you will go over the editorial page you will see that we try to present a single thought in each editorial, on the theory that the average mind best retains one thought. We try to have a beginning, an argument, and an end to each little editorial, confining each to between two hundred and fifty and three hundred words. I will pay you fifty dollars for each one of these editorials that we find we can use.

Needless to say, I should have to put the bars up on your woman suffrage views in this [page 3] respect, since this would be a lovely opportunity for you to make me stand for the ballot for women!! But other than this, I can hardly see any question on which we would split.

Will you think it over and tell me how the idea strikes you? I hope it may be just the opportunity you have been looking for to say some vital things to girls and women.

Believe me

Very sincerely yours,

Edward Bok [signed]

Miss Jane Addams

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