Anna Elizabeth Rude to Jane Addams, March 17, 1920


March 17, 1920.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

Just prior to her departure for [Czechoslovakia], Miss Lathrop learned from Senator Sheppard that he considered it advisable to have a hearing on the Maternity and Infancy Bill sometime during the spring. I am endeavoring to arrange a program for the hearing and at Miss Lathrop's suggestion am writing to ask if you will be willing to appear at the hearing and speak for the bill. The exact date for the hearing has not been settled but it will undoubtedly be within a very few weeks.

As you doubtless know, the present bill was redrafted to meet the objection which it met last year and is now being endorsed by those who objected to it previously. The bill has also had a great deal of unsolicited publicity and has the endorsement of a number of the large national organizations.

In case you feel that it is not possible to be present at the hearing would you mind sending a communication which could be incorporated in the minutes of the hearing? I am certain that this would have great weight, but I sincerely hope that you may find it possible to attend in person.

An early reply will be appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

M. D.

Directer, Division of Hygiene.

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