Algie Martin Simons to Jane Addams, August 18, 1910


Aug. 18, 1910.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams, --

As you will notice by this letter head I have not been able to break myself of the old habit of starting socialist papers. We are really going to try to make this one quite different from other socialist publications. It is to be more optimistic, more general in its tone. It is to tell the story of things doing rather than to attempt to either educate or agitate in the conventional way.

In this connection I am going to use some short extracts from your books, and also from your writings in the American Magazine and would greatly appreciate a photograph of you to run with them. I understand that you have made arrangements with a photographer in Chicago to supply such requests. If you will have him send us one of your photos with bill for same it will be a favor to us.

I suppose it is asking almost too much to request something original from your pen, but should the spirit move you I shall certainly like very much to have some of those simple wonderfully interesting sketches of life that you can do and shall be glad to pay you for the same.

Give best regards to all the people of Hull House,

I am

Very truly yours, A. M. Simons [signed]

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