Anna Garlin Spencer to Jane Addams, October 17, 1923

255 West 97th St.
New York City
Oct 17th 1923.

Dear Miss Addams

I am so relieved to know you are safe at home once more! Trust you are getting well and strong ↑also↓ once more. We were most anxious about you -- Don't go around the world again!

I have been through deep waters. My husband left us Aug 22nd after an almost incredibly slow weakening of mind and body. I have had no rest -- as yet -- [although] much [page 2] relieved of anxiety and overstrain.

I send but a word now but it means much of loving welcome back.

Much has happened in this troubled world since we met. I trust you have not lost heart as J. H. Holmes and the nation have done! I still have faith both in man and in "the spirit that hath led us hither".

I fear I am one of those "fool optimists" of whom such hard things are said in certain quarters. Yet life does not give me ease from deep anxiety personal, national and of [page 3] the world. So much I want to ask you. Will it not come to us, some report of your reaction from travel in The Survey? Or elsewhere?

I have been so shut in to work and care that I feel eager for your message when you are able to give it.

With constant love,

Anna Garlin Spencer.

Please note new and permanent address. I have broken up my house and gone to live with my daughter. It seemed best.

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