Zona Gale to Jane Addams, September 1923


Dear Miss Addams,

I am so glad that you are safely back from the long journey -- and you know that I too, with all the others, waited eagerly for good news at the time of your illness.

By this word of yours to me now I am much [page 2] touched -- and I am most deeply appreciative. The adjustment is going to take forever. All this makes of life another thing. But for her the whole experience was noble -- her clarity and her humor were here all the way. It came swift -- we had only just come back from the east. Some say it was so triumphant and gallant a going. But the missing of [page 3] her is beyond anything I could have divined -- though indeed I find her in a vast new way.

I laid by a book to send you when you should return; because I have always wanted you to know that the long-ago Wisconsin Bar association talk on the Equal Rights law had to be by a Wisconsin woman, so I went ahead with it. And [page 4] too I wanted you to know that the absurd extracts of that talk as they appeared in The Nation did not represent what was said there. The booklet goes to you today.

Yes -- I shall hope to see you in Chicago. I seldom come there -- but I shall look forward to a glimpse of you when I do.

Affectionately yours,

Zona Gale

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