Mary Hall Ingham to Jane Addams, December 7, 1923


December 7, 1923.

Dear Miss Addams:

At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the W.I.L. in Philadelphia yesterday, it was decided to take up the plan of which copy is enclosed as the immediate work of the United States Section, and to ask your approval. It was also decided to ask you in case you approve to consider the advisability of asking the other National Sections to work through their own national governments to the same end. And second, the advisability of making this International Conference the central subject of the Biennial Congress at Washington.

The plan seems to carry out the spirit of the resolutions passed at former Biennial Congresses, and will, I believe, unify the work of the Legislative Committee with that of other Committees, and help greatly in organization of the League and raising money and inspiring interest in the Biennial Congress of 1924. You see I am getting very enthusiastic, although prospects.

This letter does not require a separate answer. Miss Woods will share your answer with me.

Yours very sincerely,

Chairman Legislative Committee.