John Sanborn Phillips to Jane Addams, April 8, 1910

The American Magazine
Phillips Publishing Company

341 Fifth Avenue

New York

April 8th, 1910.

Miss Jane Addams,
The Homestead Hotel,
Hot Springs, Va.

My dear Miss Addams:

I meant to have added to my note of yesterday that I very sincerely desire to have more of your writing in the magazine next year. Any address you make I feel sure might well be adapted for magazine publication. I believe that to reach the wide audience such as we have is for the benefit of those things in which you are so much interested.

As an editor, I have the utmost appreciation of the quality of your writing and of your personal attitude toward the presentation of it, even though as a publisher, trying in a few words to give the general reader an idea of its importance, I made use of logographs suited to his mind.

Faithfully yours,

John S. Phillips [signed]

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