Jane Addams to Ellen Gates Starr, March 12, 1923


Strand Hotel.

March 12" 1923

My dear Ellen --

I am very grateful for your letter which I found in Calcutta. I am sure you are all doing every thing possible for Mrs [Hansen?], the necessary money of course must be forthcoming from the general fund. I am writing this on the Bay of Bengal, we are leaving Burma and are on our way to Ceylon stopping for a few days in South India. Every where we have seen something of the women's movement, it is most interesting to find that these Eastern women have the same franchise as men and in Burma at least [are] quite as active and intelligent. They gave us a Purdah reception in Calcutta which was a strange contrast to what we saw a few days later across the bay. The poverty in India is most depressing [although] both private and governmental women are valiantly tackling it. ↑The Social Service people everywhere have given us parties.↓ 

We go [to] Ceylon on to Hong Kong and if we find China and Japan cool enough will not be back until late in the summer.

Do write me from time to time about your own plans. I judge all goes smoothly at H.H. Always devotedly yours,

Jane Addams

Bay of Bengal (en route to Madras)

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