Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, August 15, 1903


Westfield N.Y.

My dear Alice

I am detained here on my way to Chautauqua where I speak tomorrow. I got your letter just as I was leaving [illegible] and will of course expect you and Marcet to stop at Chicago when she starts for Bryn Mawr.

I expect to spend [Thursday] Aug 27" at Cedarville will be there until Tuesday [afternoon] or Wed. morning for I have an appointment at Rockford on Wed. Aug 30" at two o'clock. I suppose that will be early for your Cedarville visit but I wish that we might be there at the same time.  The portrait is still unfinished but everyone is very enthusiastic over its promise. Brush is [page 2] certainly a great artist.

[I have spent] the last few days in Boston but was met on the train last evening. I think that [illegible] much better of the trip.

Miss Withington & I worked until the last [moment] on the book which I hope is coming out well [but can't tell].

Hoping to see you in Cedarville and certainly in Chicago, and with love to Marcet I am always your loving sister Jane Addams

Aug 15" 1903