Jane Addams to Esther Margaret Linn Hulbert, June 5, 1919


My dear Esther

Thank you so much for your letters which have come through [better] than anyone's except Mrs Bowen's -- [although] today I did get a big package with one from Marcet and one from Mary Fry. I am so sorry to have been away when the end came to grandmother [although] I knew of course when I saw her last that I was taking that risk. I hope you have had all my letters [page 2] about John's grave which I believe has been removed by this time to the [huge] American cemetery near the Argonne forest to contain 24000 graves -- but I will find that out definitely before I leave.

We had a remarkably fine Congress at Zurich, we considered ↑it↓ successful in every way, and ↑a committee↓ has now come back here to present certain resolutions before scattering. Mrs Despard is one of the Com. a fine old lady who is a sister of Field-Marshall French and much respected by the military. [page 3] Alice Hamilton and I may go on a little expedition for Mr Hoover but the plan is as yet uncertain.

I am sending back the notice for the American Express Co which will be much easier for you to manage from that side.

With love to all of you,

Always your loving Aunt

Jane Addams

May 27" 1919

P. S. The best address is c/o the American Express Co Place del'Opera Paris