Maya Lindsley Poole to Jane Addams, May 14, 1923

May 14th

Dear Miss Addams

I am taking the liberty of writing to you on the behalf of the American ladies of [Mukden] to ask if we may have the [privilege] of meeting you when you pass [page 2] through on your way to Japan? The express train from Peking arrives in [Mukden] at 7.10 P.M. The express to Japan via Korea leaves at 8.45 A.M.

If your time is limited this would only postpone your [page 3] arrival in [Tokyo] from the evening to the following A.M.!

We who live so far from the great cities of the world immensely appreciate an opportunity of meeting you and hope very much we may have the honor of entertaining you if it could possibly be arranged. In [Mukden] we have Peiling one of the [beauty] spots of North China and if you could just spare us one day I feel sure you would not regret the time here. [page 4] I should be so delighted to have you spend the night with us. My home before my marriage was in Milton Massachusetts. Mrs J. M. Forbes who you may know is a very dear and old [page 5] friend of ours. My mother Mrs John Lindsley was the 1st Pres. of the Suffrage Ass. in Milton and in those days we made many delightful friends in the work. [page 6]

Hoping very much that we may have the great pleasure of welcoming you here.

Yours sincerely

Maya Lindsley Poole.

Mrs H. A. Poole
c/o The Standard Oil Co.