Lucy Biddle Lewis to Jane Addams, October 1922


Dear Miss Addams:

I am sending this letter to our Board members. I am so delighted that Miss Woods accepts, & feel a tremendous responsibility off my shoulders. I am enclosing some things for your perusal; the Seattle letter convinces me that we have made no mistake in allowing the other group to form a Washington State Branch. I have had pages & pages from both sides but I firmly stood my ground in regard to taking no part in controversy. They expect me to organize the State at a Sept. meeting. Now Mrs. Haven asks if their little "harmonious" branch in Seattle cannot go on alone & let the others organize state since we have given permission to do it, a totally unwise procedure & sure to fail in her estimation. I thought there could be no harm in letting them try it "if you can harmonize question of organization & dues" I told her hoping eventually both groups could come to [page 2] work together. I do want you to see this -- is it not [excruciatingly?] funny if not so tragic?

I am also going to enclose a statement Mrs Brown directed Mrs DuBois to give to press, no time to consult me; fortunately it was so late it got very little publicity, but I had three [remonstrances] and have told Mrs. DuBois not to allow anything to go out without my saying it, a stand I hated to take against Mrs Brown. I am afraid she will take it as personal & she is so devoted to our cause. I am refusing to come out against Frelinghuysen unless Board directs, as opposition is even worse & it will weaken us to help elect a very poor "not" candidate.

I have had miserable attack of bladder inflammation which has put me back seriously as to strength, but that is about over now & [iron?] hypodermic are bringing me up -- subnormal [most?] every morning & 120 blood pressure are not indicative of great energy, but I am comfortable now & gaining strength again [written up right margin and at top of page] The [illegible] has done wonders so I get about quite well, I cannot quite get nervous control, after [some work?].

[written upside down on top of page 1] Always affectionately

Lucy Biddle Lewis