William Freeman Snow to Jane Addams, September 30, 1922


September 30, 1922

My dear Miss Addams:

Mrs. Falconer has asked me to reply to your letter of September 18th which she found on her return to New York. In this letter you enclosed one received from Dame Crowdy written from Geneva, Switzerland. All of us connected with this association have been very keenly interested in the matter of securing a United States representative on the committee and last year, in order to show interest in the work, we sent Major Johnson to Geneva to attend the meetings. He, of course, received no official recognition from our own Government but he was accorded all the privileges of an observer from the United States and came home with most convincing information relative to the importance of the conference on traffic in women and children and the need for pressing the matter before our Government until its present policy has been changed.

I am glad to say that during the winter a considerable change has occurred and it looks now as if some federal official would be designated, at least in the status of observer. You doubtless know that recently the Secretary of State’s office referred this matter to the Department of Labor which in turn placed the correspondence in the hands of Miss Abbott. [written in margin] ↑This is at present I believe confidential information until released by the State Dept or Miss Abbott↓ We are, therefore, encouraged to believe that a selection will soon be made and that the conditions under which the representative may serve on behalf of the United States will be made clear.

Mrs. Falconer had to go into the field immediately and I promised her I would write in her behalf as well as my own, thanking you for your letter. Members of the staff have been in correspondence with Dame Crowdy throughout the year.

I trust your plans for the winter at Hull House are developing satisfactorily. Does anyone know just when Dr. Yarros is expected back from Russia?

Again thanking you for your letter, I am

Cordially yours,

W. F. Snow [signed]
William F. Snow
General Director
Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.