Margarete Schuragast to Jane Addams, September 25, 1922

Berlin 25th of Septbr.
Kurfürstenstra. 97

Dear [Miss Addams]

It is long since I got your last letters. I am rather sad not to hear from you. I should like to know how you are and which work you are doing. I am so glad to be allowed to write to you because I always thought of you in loving veneration. The cause of my writing to you is a sad one but still the pleasure of writing to you is predominating. Our beloved Mrs Cauer is no more, you know that. Her last months were sacred to those who were near her, until the last moment her spirits were lively and that is why her body could live for a certain time. On the last day she wanted to know politics, on the last day also she wrote some words to me which ought to be sent to my birthday with some flowers. On the last day she was interested in having sent 30 children of the poorest to the Rhine where they were invited. Again and again she was sad at the poor unhappy Germany. Never she was complaining at her pains. She was helping and caring for all the friends. On the last day also she procured a situation to a friend’s husband. In the night at half past 1 they called us to her and at a quarter past three the last moment arrived. We three friends Mrs. Lüders, Mrs [DeWitt] and [page 2] myself watched near the body. In her birthday the 1st of November we shall have a ceremony in remembrance of her, and we intend to put a monument worthy of her on her grave. We 3 friends should have undertaken it willingly but as all is so awfully expensive that it is impossible, and we think that all the active women are thankful to her and that they all would be pleased to take part of a monument worthy of her actions. In the charge of the friends I take the liberty to send you the invitation. When will you come to Germany?

People say, we are living in Peace, we do not feel it, for instead of [losing] thousands on the battlefield millions of our best [civilized] world become insane, are starving or commit suicide.

Dr. Aletta Jacobs wrote me that in December will take place a meeting in [The Hague]. So I expect you are [coming] to Europe? If you come, I do hope [surely] you come to Germany this time and I should be so very glad to see you in one of my houses as my dear honored guest. Can I count on you?

Excuse my bad English, my heart is better as my English

With loving wishes and honorable regards

Yours truly,

Margarete Schurgast