Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, April 4, 1907


My dear Alice

Why don't you have Dr Cook come to see you. The traveling expenses would be no more and the results of the examination and diagnosis more satisfactory than after you had taken a journey. That would be my advice, he could much more easily work out a regimen of food [etc] after he had actually seen you at home.

If on the other hand you would much rather come to Mendota, I will meet [page 2] you then, I am sure that we could be comfortable at the hotel for a few days, perhaps you would come to Chicago with me afterward, in case Dr Cook advised you seeing some one else.

We had a very nice visit at Cedarville last Sunday. I have been rather tired lately and the little trip into the country was very reassuring. I will write again later but hope that you will decide to send for Dr Cook. Always your loving sister

Jane Addams

April 4" 1907

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