James Otis Sargent Huntington to Helena Stuart Weeks, January 4, 1922


January 4, 1922.

My dear Miss Dudley --

My sister Mary sent me the letter you wrote to my sister, Mrs. Sessions. It brought me the first news I had received of the passing of our dear friend Miss Euphemia Mackintosh. I [page 2] wish that I might have seen her again "here-down." Her presence always had for me something of the effect of a breeze from our New England hills.

I asked Miss McGhee, the founder of St. Faith's House, Tarrytown, once if there were anyone whom she knew of equal to carrying on that work she said at once "Euphemia Mackintosh."

I shall join my prayers with [written in top left margin of page 1] yours that she may have more and more of light and joy and peace in the [illegible] of the just.

Faithfully in [our O] Lord

James O. S. Huntington

[illegible words]

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