Ethel M. N. Williams to Jane Addams, December 16, 1921


December 15th, 1921.

Dear Miss Addams,

Please forgive me for trespassing on your good nature. I see from the "Manchester Guardian" that you have presented some manifesto or document to the Washington Conference, I gathered in the name of the American Branch of the "Women's International League for Peace and Freedom". Would it be asking too much to allow me to have a copy of that manifesto? I should find it so very useful in my work here.

With apologies for troubling you and good wishes from Miss Hardcastle and myself for your future and your work,

Yours faithfully,

Ethel M. N. Williams [signed]

P. S.

Gertrude Baer is arriving this evening to spend Christmas with us. I am sure she will want to send you a message. I had a letter yesterday from Fraulein Kalka of [Brno?], Moravia. You may possibly remember her at Salzburg. She writes rather sadly. I am afraid they are having a very trying time.