John J. Halsey to Sophonisba P. Breckinridge, March 3, 1909


Lake Forest. Ill. Mch 3 '09

My dear Mrs Breckinridge

I have posted one of your circulars in the Womens Hall and one on the central bulletin board, and am calling attention of my students. I have sent one to my daughter Katherine C. Halsey at Champaign Ill. (801 South Wright St.)  who was a graduate here in 1908, and is now doing graduate work in Political Science & Social Science at the U. of Ill. with Profs. Garner & Hayes. She will seek her lifes work in either Y.W.C.A. work or in your line. I shall be glad to have her do either. I [page 2] would be glad to send you some of our best from here although I know of no one specifically as yet. 

Katherine heard and met Dr. Taylor recently when he spoke at The U. of Ill. and was much stimulated. 

We have some good women in our present seminar class if they would go your way. I wish they might. "Newer Ideals of Peace" is the best book in social studies I know, a monument to what a woman can do.

Sincerely yours

John J. Halsey