Henry Joseph Warren to Jane Addams, May 4, 1902


Los Angeles May 4 02

Miss Addams Care Womans Club

I have read what you had spoken at the Auditorium Saturday May 3 about child labor. Please permit me as a stranger to you to express my thanks and gratitude and compliments on the grand Subject you have chosen it is noble [you] are a real true christian you have Said more in the 114 lines that I read in print than all the other good Ladies have said on a page and [half] published in the Sunday Times. It is [beautiful] for a young [lady] to be able to [express] ↑herself↓ in such substantial manner it is a bud of true humanity which some day I hope will blossom out all over the christian world. This is to my way of reasoning the only way that [anybody] men or woman can show to the world their equal or superiority of thoughts and actions. I am very Sorry to Say and I don't doubt that you have noticed that some of the speaking is a very [common] hash [Page 2] with just here and there a different little seasoning. I hope you will speak again at these meetings on the subject. Now Miss Addams this may sound & read to ↑you↓ like the Greek they talk so about but this few words are my true and honest way of giving you thanks and my best wishes and may God help you as a friend of millions of poor dear little childrens and Humanity.

I am 38 years of age have a good wife and five strong healthy children all going to School I am a carpenter by trade and I belong to the Woodmen of the World and the [Knights] of the Maccabees I make the best of everything that comes, and I do my duty [always].

Very Respectfully Yours,

Henry Warren

1554 W 17 St L.A.

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