Taraknath Das to Jane Addams, June 1, 1921

Friends of Freedom for India

June. 1. 21

Miss Jane [Addams]
Hull House, Chicago, Ill

My dear Miss [Addams]: --

I have told you before that I am doing my best that some Indian women take part in Vienna Congress. By good fortune I have seen personally Mrs Nair and Miss Contractor of India who are [traveling] with Dr Nair and others in a tour round the world. I have talked them about the importance of the Congress and your noble work and they at once expressed their desire to go to Vienna from England or France on their way home.

The party will leave New York for Liverpool on June 15 and their New York address will be Care of [illegible] Muller and McLean & Co 11 Broadway New York. [illegible] May I ask you to take the [trouble] of communicating with Miss N. D. Contractor at the address before she leaves this country. I believe that if they receive an invitation from you they are sure to attend the Congress. In case you fail to write them in time, please write to them at their London address: --

Care of D. S. Kalevar Esqr.
National Liberal Club
Whitehall Place S.W.
London, England.

I hope that India will be well represented in the Congress by Indian women and not by English women. I shall ask Miss Contractor to induce some other Indian ladies from England to come to the Congress.

Thanking you for your kind interest for the cause of Indian women who are struggling hard under the most adverse condition to gain human rights and simple opportunities of education. Miss Contractor is the Superintendent of a Girls High School of Bombay and she is quite able to represent Indian women.

Very respectfully yours

Taraknath Das [signed]