Clyde Lyndon King to Jane Addams, May 27, 1921

The Annals
American Academy of Political and Social Science

May 27, 1921.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams: --

I am enclosing the stenographic copy of your remarks at the recent Annual Meeting of the Academy. We are anxious to have the proceedings of the Annual Meeting published at the earliest possible date. I am therefore asking you to return this manuscript to me in final form for publication in the enclosed envelope just as soon as you possibly can, and in any case not later than June 1st.

It will be impossible to send proof to you and I therefore must ask that you put your manuscript in final form for publication. We publish the addresses as separate articles. Will you be good enough, therefore, to supply a title for your article and give us the affiliation which you desire us to include after your name. It will aid the reader to insert short headings every three to four hundred words.

With sincere appreciation of your helpfulness to the Academy, I am

Yours very cordially,

Clyde L. King [signed]

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