Margaret Large to Florence Tye Jennison, May 24, 1921


Dear Miss Jennison

This lady is overjoyed to know that Miss Addams will go to Germany this summer, and that she will also visit Frankfurt. She says the mayor, and city, will give Miss A. a warm reception in City Hall, where all the prominent Women's Clubs, and schoolchildren, will greet here. She begs Miss A. to let her know, just when she will arrive in Frankfurt, and if she will address this assembly telling them what the feeling in [page 2] America is toward the German people, and what the latter can do to win the respect and friendship of the United States. She hopes Miss A. can talk in German -- so the people will fully understand her. If this is too much of a strain, or she can not talk freely in German, perhaps she could talk five or ten minutes -- and then Dr Hamilton continue, on the same subject. She hopes to arrange some smaller gatherings of women where Miss A. can talk freely in English -- if, agreeable of course to Miss A. (whom she hopes will write her fully on this matter). She is greatly touched by the letters from Miss A. and Dr Hamilton, says she will surely be in Vienna, if they think she can be of use at the congress -- though it will be hard for her, on account of expense as railroad fare is so [written at top of page 1] much more than in former years -- Many greetings etc, and more etceteras!!

M. Large

I dropped letter on floor sorry for the spots --

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