Jane Addams to Henrietta Octavia Rowland Barnett, August 7, 1923 (fragment)


My very dear friend

We are still in Japan because we were detained by a horrid operation in Tokyo to which I submitted about six weeks ago. Alice Hamilton -- a doctor -- joined us here where I am convalescing and we all sail across the Pacific on August 23d for the U.S.A. We have been greatly interested in Japan, their hospitality is boundless and the Japanese women who are so newly aroused, are endlessly interesting. I am [missing page(s)] your triumph as an artist and I want to add one more sincere admiration to the many I already have for you. It isn't so much versatility -- it is great ability which may be turned in almost any direction as you choose.

Will the [enclosed] cards recall Nikko to you? It is very beautiful and there is a certain [illegible] on seeing it now once again.

I am sending Capt Ellis a few reports of settlements but our original work is being done under other manner for the most part & the so called settlements are often not such. With cordial greetings to your sister and to Miss Paterson, I am always devotedly yours

Jane Addams

Aug 7" 1923