Callirrhoé Parren to Jane Addams, March 19, 1921


Athens Mar 19 1921

Miss Jane Addams
Hull-House, Chicago, Illinois.

Congress Femmes Grecques fixe pour onze Avril prochain. Prions chaleuremement ceconder nos efforts en adressant telegraphiquement au Congres les voeux des Associations Femmes Amerique pour que Gouvernement insists accorder droit vote aux femmes et lois ameliorant sort femmes enfants.

(signed) Callirhoe Parren

Athens March 19, 1921

Miss Jane Addams
Hull-House, Chicago, Illinois.

The Congress of Greek Women is set for the eleventh of next April. We earnestly beg you to second our efforts by forwarding telegraphically to the Congress, the wishes (resolutions) of the American Women's Associations, to the effect that the government insist on granting the vote to the women and that it make laws bettering the conditions of women and children.

(signed) Callirhoe Parren

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