Martin Schütze to Jane Addams, January 31, 1921



In consequence of the economic ruin caused by the war, many of the best academic and other learned publications of Germany and Austria are threatened with suspension. Unable to purchase, with their depreciated currencies, foreign publications required for research, the scholars and institutions of these countries are face to face with intellectual starvation. Without prompt and substantial aid, work of inestimable value to the intellectual life of the world will be lost.

The American Society for Emergency Aid to German and Austrian Science and Art seeks to enlist as members men and women who wish to take an active part in raising a fund

a) for supporting German and Austrian learned publications, and

b) for supplying German and Austrian universities and other institutions and societies of a similar character with learned publications issued in other countries.

The membership of the Society is composed of the following classes:

a) Regular members, who pay annual dues of $5.

b) [Sustaining] members, who pay annual dues of not less than $10 and not more than $99.

c) Fellows, who pay annual dues of not less than $100.

d) Patrons, who make one single payment of not less than $1000.

The distributing agents of the Society are, for Germany, the Notgemeinschaft deutscher Wissenschaft in Berlin, and, for Austria, the Ambos in Vienna.

Checks payable to James Speyer, Treasurer, should be sent with application of membership to Professor Hans [E.] Gronow, Secretary of the Chicago Branch of the Society, the University of Chicago.

The Chicago Branch of the Society

Martin Schütze [signed]

January 31, 1921.