M. M. B. to Jane Addams, December 5, 1920


One step may lead to

[One step may lead to] Sorrow ↑or↓ Joy

[One step may lead to] Pain or [Pleasures]

[One step may lead to] Temptation or Resistance

[One step may lead to] Yielding or [Rising?]

[One step may lead to] Failure ↑or↓ Success

[One step may lead to] [Wrong] or [Right]

[One step may lead to] Sin or Salvation

Look Oh Look to your steps ere it is too late. Do not Delay! Christ may be only a step away. Give Viana Nicholas a chance to make Good.

Miss Jane Addams
of Hull House
Chicago, Ill [page 2]

Saw notice of Viana Nicholas Trouble in Daily Times of Mayfield, Ky. Dec. 3rd.

M. M. B.


May flowers, songs and sunshine mark

Each milestone on Life's way,

And as you journey may you find

New blessings every day. ↑as you are Given a Chance to Make Good! God Grant the Governor may [think] again↓

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