James Bronson Reynolds to Jane Addams, January 19, 1921


January 19th. 1921

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
800 S. Halsted St.,
Chicago, Ill.,

Dear Miss Addams --

A year ago last October I wrote you telling of the death of my wife and stating what I had desired for some time to tell you, how very much she and I had been in accord with your action during the war. I particularly wished to do this for her as she had spoken of writing you several times to express her own admiration and accord but she endured much suffering in the last two years of her life and although she kept her interest in life and courage, she could do little. As I had no reply from you I feared my letter had not reached you and I so deeply desire to send the message for her and express my own opinion that I am trying again.

I have left New York owing to the loss of my wife and my own break down in caring for her, though in spite of suffering and pain, the last two [years] of her life had much happiness for us both. In the pressing world problems and the deeper spiritual questions of life we were in complete agreement.

This autumn for the first time, I voted for a Democrat candidate for the presidency, not from admiration for Mr. Cox, but from my strong belief in the League of Nations, though I criticize the League from the ethical side. I also took an active share in the fight against Senator Brandegee and succeeded in forming a combination in which the Suffragists under their very wise leader, Miss Ludington, the Trade Unionists and some Yale men combined. We reduced his majority by thirty-five thousand but victory, of course, as things developed, was beyond our reach. The anti-Wilson sentiment seemed to decide the issue. Sinn Féiners, Germans and Italians who had formerly been Democrats deserted the party. Now of course I am following the good American habit of hoping the victor will do well. Connecticut is the most conservative state north of Mason and Dixon's Line, I believe, but if I gain a little more strength I hope to lend a hand in upsetting its smug reaction. The most acute student of the situation whom I know tells me that the manufactures are financed by the New York bankers and that if any manufacturer shows a semblance of liberalism his loans are called. Other facts equally deplorable and even more discreditable to the capitalist class have come to my knowledge. Labor is unfortunately weak and though the men at the top of the state organization seem to be honest, there is strong reason to think that some in the cities are in the pay of their opponents.

I hope you are having fair health to sustain you in the work for which this country so greatly needs you. The quality and aims of your leadership should be stamped throughout our land. I say this not lightly nor without reflection.

With very warm regards,

Sincerely yours,

James Bronson Reynolds [signed]