Samuel Gompers to Jane Addams, January 31, 1907


January 31, 1907.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
335 South Halsted St., Chicago, Ill.

Dear Madam:

Your favor of January 26th has been received and noted.

I wish to express my appreciation of the invitation to be present at the conference Sunday evening, March 10, which is to continue to the following week, these afternoons and three evenings, and give one or two talks.

The circular mentioned in your letter was omitted, but I wish to say that I think it will be impossible for me to make any definite arrangement for such a visit at this time owing to the many demands upon my time. However, if my duties call me to Chicago at the time mentioned, I will be glad to give the matter further consideration.

Very truly yours,

American Federation of Labor.

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