Kate Fisher Kimball to Jane Addams, January 31, 1907



5711 Kimbark Avenue, Chicago

Jan. 31, 1907.

My dear Miss Addams:-

I deferred replying to your letter as we were to have a conference of several members of our staff this week.

We are very glad that you feel that the book can be so modified as to make it more available for use for our Chautauqua constitutency.

Mr. [Commons'] series on The Racial Composition of the American People which he wrote for the Chautauquan four years ago is to be revised and put into book form as the first book of our course, ↑for next year↓ and your "Newer Ideals", emphasizing as it does, the ethical situation underlying the immigration and ↑as well as↓ other American problems, will, we hope, make an especially strong appeal to our readers in view of their special study of the subject.

I am writing now to ask if you can take time to look it over ↑the book↓ and see what changes you think would be advisable, and in general, how much this would involve in hte way of resetting pages. We shall then want to communicate with Mr. Brett, with whom, of course, our publication arrangements must be made.

Very cordially yours,

Kate F. Kimball [signed]

Miss Jane Addams
Hull House,

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