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Mister President,
The Provisional Central Bureau of the Union, in agreement with the "Lega Universale per le Libere Nazioni" decided that the IVth Session would take place in Milan from October 12 to 16, 1920, at the Royal Palace graciously placed at the disposal of the Union.
In a preparatory meeting which took place in Paris on March 25, and in which the Italian, French, English and Belgian Associations were notably represented, it was resolved to include only a small number on the agenda of the Milan Conference. questions, which will be worded below:
1) Revision of the statutes, constitution of the General Council of the Union and organization of services;
2) Measures to popularize the work of the League of Nations;
3) Organization of international justice;
4) Means of organizing and applying international sanctions, including military measures which should lead to disarmament;
5) Means of organizing economic solidarity.
The proceedings of the Conference will be prepared by five study groups, each composed of at least one delegate per country. These committees will be appointed at the first meeting of the Conference. Associations may not present resolutions that deviate from the questions asked, they will be referred to the appendices of the brochure containing the resolutions submitted to the Conference.
The number of delegates from each country may vary, it being understood that the vote, in accordance with the statutes adopted in Brussels, will take place by country. As regards the Associations admitted to the Conference, only Associations which have already participated in the Brussels Conference may be represented by a delegation. A resolution will be presented to the Conference concerning the quite large companies which have been created after the Brussels meeting; this resolution will indicate the general conditions of admission and will propose the acceptance for subsequent conferences of groups against which there will be no adverse presumption.
Delegates will be free to use the language of their choice at the Conference; a translation into French will be made in all cases, and the various national delegations may have recourse for their use to a translation into their language, ensuring the necessary organization.[page 2]
Finally, it was decided that the Companies must send before 1 [August], the strict deadline, their proposals on the questions on the program to Mr. Eugène Baie, 60, Rue Vilain XIIII, Brussels. The methodical compendium of these proposals will be established by the provisional Central Office and sent by it to the Affiliated Societies.
The Italian Committee, organizer of the IVth session will make known the details of its program of receptions at a later date.
The Presidents of Foreign Associations are requested to submit, before September 10, the list of their delegates in duplicate, one addressed to the Brussels Central Office, the other to the Italian Committee, (to Mr. Facchinetti, president of the Executive Board) 8, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, Milan.
They are requested, by the same date, to indicate to Eugène Baie, in Brussels, the names of their two delegates to the General Council, in accordance with the statutes.
Please accept, Mr. Chairman, the expression of our most distinguished sentiments.
Senator, Minister of State,
Former President of the Institute of International Law, Professor of International Law at the University of Louvain.
475, Avenue Louis, Brussels.
Franceso RUFFINI,
Senator, Former Minister,
Professor at the University of Turin. [page 3]
Program of work of the IVth Session.
October 12, at 10 a.m.:
Meeting of the General Council (definitive organizations of the Union).
at 3 o'clock. - Opening session:
1) Speech by the President;
2) Address by an Italian Minister;
3) The General Council will designate the personalities who will respond on behalf of the Conference;
4) Appointment of the Bureau;
5) Formation of sections.
October 13, at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.:
Session of the 5 sections corresponding to the 5 items on the agenda. (The Presidents of the sections will be appointed by the General Council.)
October 14, at 10 a.m.:
Review of the resolutions of the first 2 sections.
at 3 o'clock. - Closing session: Review of the resolutions of the last 3 sections.