Jane Addams to Enella Benedict, July 14, 1920

Lakeside Ohio
July 14" 1920

Dear Sister Benedict

I have wanted to write to you ever since I got back to HH -- to tell you how again much I enjoyed my visit, I think I like best of all the little [walled?] fields between you and the sea which appeared to me as particularly charming.

HH -- has been full of delegates to the Labor Party Convention & of the 48s -- It has been an awfully interesting week in Chicago. I have been flying around [from one] thing to another until I was actually glad last evening to get off to the quiet of a Chautauqua -- and as I don't speak until 8 tonight it is quiet.

Please remember me cordially to the [Yeomans?] et. al. Always devotedly yours

Jane Addams

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