Jane Addams to Henrietta Octavia Rowland Barnett, July 11, 1920


July 11th, 1920

My dear Mrs. Barnett:

I have just returned from Boston where I had a long talk with Mr. Kennedy, Secretary of the National Federation of Settlements. We went over the matter of your lectures very carefully and concluded that it would be quite possible to secure ten lectures for you at one hundred dollars a lecture. This arrangement could be made in the various cities [through] the local Federation of Settlements. We would certainly want the privilege of entertaining you in the various cities and would try everywhere to have the group hear you who were most interested in housing and who would profit by your advice. We both felt that Mr. Pond's terms were very severe and that he was trying to shove off on you a great deal of the responsibility. I hope you have refused his terms and are going to take ours.

I found your kind letter waiting here upon my return. You are certainly an angel about my blundering and I am sure all will end well.

Always yours with devoted affection,

Jane Addams. [signed]