Marion Benedict Cothren to Jane Addams, June 25, 1920

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
National Office
Room 1616 33 West 42nd Street

June 25, 1920.

Miss Jane Addams
Hull House
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

I am sending off the drafts to Europe totaling $200., according to the suggestion of yourself and Mrs. Johnson.

I am glad that you were able to appear before the Republican Convention, and I am keeping the clipping you sent me for filing purposes.

I think your suggestion for a little historical account would be very useful as a pamphlet for the office. Won't you send me, before July 4, something on the International executive meeting, at Geneva, if you have the information. If you haven't that information, could you write me a couple of hundred words on something which lies near your heart. I want this material for a bulletin which I am going to get out about the 10th of July. It will go to members, and perhaps perspective members.

I am enclosing ↑the↓ letters you sent me, also ↑a↓ list of members who have joined from the 11th to the 25th. The number of the room is the one you will find on this stationery. The other number which was used on some of our leaflets was a temporary number to be used by Mrs. Spencer during the summer, if we gave up our office.

Yours faithfully,

Marion B. Cothren [signed]