Henrietta Octavia Rowland Barnett to Jane Addams, March 1, 1920


March 1st, 1920.

Dear Miss Addams,

I was so delighted to get your letter of Feb. 3rd. I nearly wept with joy! and especially as the "devotedly yours" at the end. I had allowed all sorts of fears to arise in case my views had separated you from me. But however much one wills otherwise, one has to think and judge and decide with the best heart and brains that one possesses, even if one knows some one nobler thinks differently.

I have however put aside my bogies and rejoice that in [spite] of seven months silence you are caring for me still.

Now as to my coming visit. I thank you very much for all you say, and will of course come to you most gratefully if you want us, I ought to have said as you want us now after your letter.

I have written fully to Mr Adams and Mr Buckley and enclose you a copy of my letter. From it you will see that I [plan] to be with you on or about October 10th, and I want quiet time to learn of you, and also to see Miss Starr and Miss McDowell.

I shall be most grateful if I could be sent a few American reviews of my Book. They teach me about America. I am writing direct to Messrs Pond to save you trouble, for I remember the mail bag of old, and am conscious of the insight of my own daily one, but in case I make errors I am sending the letter to you to ↑read and↓ post. It seems boastful but what is one to do except tell him what has been done, and that one can speak or the folk would not ask one to do so so often.

Will you add a line if you think well. I am not able to stamp either the [page 2] letter or packet but you won't mind that. It is very good of you to take so much [trouble] over me. I [realize] it.

I will tell you all about Barnett House when I see you, Miss Hadow is first rate -- the new Secretary. Oxford loved having you lady dear. No one wanted to be thanked!

Yours ever in a big strong humble way,