Henry Ford Testimony in Ford-Tribune Libel Case, July 15, 1919


(From the testimony of Henry Ford in the Ford-Tribune libel case, heard at Mt. Clemens, Mich., July 15.)

(Mr. Ford was being questioned by an attorney for The Tribune concerning an article by Edward Marshall, newspaper correspondent).

Q: I just want to understand what you mean. You have 21 terms in this little book that I called your attention to, referred to murderers and murderous, all relating to preparedness; is that where you said in the Marshall article that the word "murder" should be embroidered upon the uniform of every soldier.

A: In the Marshall article, I think Marshall said that was a quotation from Jane [Addams].

Q: I don't care if it is a quotation. You published it, Mr. Ford?

A: Yes, I admit it.

Q: You published the statement. Jane [Addams] did not publish it to the world, did she? that you ever knew of?

A: She may have done it.

Q: Did you ever know of her doing it?

A: No.

Q: Did you ever hear of her doing so?

A: No.

Q: But you did publish it to the world, didn't you?

A: In the Marshall article? [page 2]

Q: Yes.

A: He did.

Q: It was an interview that he had with you?

A: It was not an interview. He had a conversation with me.

Q: And the result of that conversation was embodied in the article that was published in other places, in the country, in the Detroit Free Press, for one?

A: Well, but I never saw the proof of the article.

Q: You said that you adopted the words that I have stated?

A: Yes.

Q: That every soldier and every sailor should have embroidered upon his breast on their uniforms, the word "murderer?"

A: A professional soldier.

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