Jane Addams to Henry Churchill King, December 6, 1907


December 6th, 1907.

My dear Mr. King: --

I have delayed answering your letter an unconscienceable length of time because I had hoped to be able to accept your kind invitation. I had already promised Dean Thomas that I would give a week of lectures at Bryn Mawr and other women's colleges beginning in March, and that makes it impossible for me to be gone for any length of time in February. I am afraid I shall have to give up Cleveland and Oberlin but could, I think, take a quick train to Washington and back again if you thought my lecture before the Religious Education Association was of enough consequence.

I believe I could say something a year or two from now better than I can at the present moment, for thre seems to growing up in my mind a lecture on the type of religion needed at the present moment. However, very likely I will have <no> more to say two years from now than just at present.

Thank you for your kind invitation and regretting, first my delayed reply, and second my refusal of two-thirds of it, I am

Always sincerely yours,

Jane Addams [signed]