Jane Addams to Anna Marcet Haldeman-Julius, June 5, 1919


June 5" 1919

My dear Marcet

I can't let your mother's birthday go by without a word to her daughter. How she would have loved little Alice and how she would have rejoiced in the new baby. It is too bad she could not have had ten years more.

I hope the days since you came back have not been sad and troubled. We are never quite ready to have death come. [page 2]

A delegation for the Congress has been here for several days getting our resolutions placed. We have been seeing all sorts of interesting people. Russians [with?] the rest of whom I [wait?] to tell you and Manuel when I see you.

Our Hoover plans are not moving very rapidly so that we may come back in June after all. [Enclosed] are cards for Alice to whom I send all my love as to her parents. Always yours devotedly

Jane Addams