Jane Addams to Mary Fry, May 27, 1919


My dear Mary

I am very grateful for your letter telling me all about the last ten days. I shall always regret having been away [although] of course I had a [sense] of saying goodbye the last time I was in Cedarville. I am sure you are having all the comfort which [comes?] from the long years of [page 2] your skillful and loving care.

I am so glad that you are staying on in the house and I sure hope to see you there when we get back the latter part of the summer. I cannot tell just when we will return if we give up our sailings on the 23d of June but it will be during the next few months. [page 3]

Early last Saturday I sent you some postal cards from Berne -- so long after the end had come that I am afraid my letter will sound [uncanny?] to you. I did not hear until we reached Paris two days later, but all the time in Switzerland I was constantly reminded of George and his mother during the summer we all [page 4] had there together.

We had a wonderful Congress and the beautiful surroundings added not a little to it.

Please give my love to "Aunt Laura" to whom I will write later and believe me Always affectionately yours

Jane Addams

May 27" 1919