Mabel M. Cory Costigan to Jane Addams, January 29, 1919

The Brighton, Washington
Jan. 29-1919
Miss Jane Addams
Hull-House, Chicago.

Dear Miss Addams.

The organizing committee for the American Women's Victory Dinner and conference to be held in Washington on Feb. 12 and 13 has delegated me to request you to write to [page 2] Mrs. Desha Breckinridge of Lexington Ky imploring her to act as toastmistress at the dinner on Lincolns birthday. She has been invited but there is doubt of her acceptance and the committee feels inclined to use all the persuasion possible. We feel that your request would [page 3] succeed where others might fail. The question of toastmistress ought to be settled early next week.

We are hoping for a large delegation from Chicago and Hull House.

May I tell you how delighted I am personally that you are to be here?

Very sincerely yours.

Mabel C. Costigan
(Mrs. Edw. P.)

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