Mary Rozet Smith to Myra Harriet Reynolds Linn, March 20, 1918


The Raymond

Pasadena, Southern California

March 20.

Dear Myra

Your Aunt Jane went off last night after two very strenuous days. She asked me to write her "bread and butter" letter with mine as she had and would have. No chance at any thing so peaceful and pleasant as pen and ink. We had a most lovely visit with you and Stanley [page 2] and the engaging Jane. It made us quite homesick to leave your neighborhood.

Your Aunt Jane sent me shopping for her while she made one speech and I tried to fill her order for little trousers, petticoats, very stout play dresses, a summer hat -- and a little coat. I had to fall down on the coat because they were so expensive, or so horrid, and the little sweater seemed much more attractive. I enclose the receipt and if they are not right you are to send [page 3] them back to Hamburger to change. (Emily's hat is also on this check but it makes no difference.) Then I am to tell you that the Hollywood Montessori school is under Mme Montessori, who is here herself, and that she is out with Miss George and has no use for her students.

We can not discover any Montessori School in Santa Barbara [page 4] but a kind lady is looking up the subject and will write directly to you. Please greet your mother very warmly for me and give my love to Stanley and Jane. I still cling to the hope of another sight of you all. Thank you indeed for taking me in so hospitably with Aunt Jane.

Affectionately yours

Mary Rozet Smith

This seems to be only a receipt from Hamburger. I think they must have enclosed the check.