Mamie Maude Young Adams to Jane Addams, January 25, 1919

San Antonio Texas.
January 25 -- 1919.
Jane Addams
Chicago -- Ill.

My dear Miss Addams --

By the morning paper I note you head the list of "Who's Who" prepared by Archibald [E.] Stevenson (Who is Mr. Stevenson? I never heard of him until a few days ago.) I do not know whether you prefer sympathy or congratulations, but I am glad that you [page 2] have the power and ability and courage to stand with the minority for the things you think best for America.

To me it seems to show more love for one's country to face opposition for principle which we think will benefit it, than to go along in the old beaten track or rut, unheeding, with no new ideas or visions of better things.

Of course I have known you long for your work; heard you speak here last winter in the High School Auditorium. In fact [page 3] was the instigator of the red roses presented to you. Then I have heard more intimately of you and your work [through] Emily Edwards whom I have known since babyhood.

May you be strengthened for your work, and may you be upheld and encouraged by millions of our loyal American men and women.

Yours for the cause of Right in all things.

Mrs. Jay E. Adams
San Antonio

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