Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, January 7, [1908]

St Paul Minn.
Jan'y 7" [1908] 

My dear Alice,

I have been trying to write you for the last week and find that I can best accomplish it from here. I had a very nice little visit from Marcet [although] it was "exceeding short." She was looking very well and in splendid form.

I have meant to tell you about the expenditure of your Xmas present. Ten dollars of it took me to Madison whither J. Lathrop and I went to the meeting of the American Sociological Assn. [page 2] I simply have to take care of my professional interests once in a while and this little trip was full of help and inspiration. The remainder I am putting into books that I want along the same line.

I found the electric lamp at Field's but no one knew of when you had ordered it or whether one had already been sent to you or not. Shall I have one sent with a [bill] to be sent to you? [page 3]

I am giving two lectures up here and very much enjoy getting away for a few days rest. The snow is really very white and beautiful [although] the weather is mild.

With love to you and a Happy New Year, always your loving sister J.A.

Jany 7" 1908

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