Jane Addams to Arthur Eugene Bestor, March 1, 1918


March 1st, 1918

My dear Mr. Bestor:

I am sending you a list of my engagements for the next ten days. As you see, I have given up Colorado altogether, although it is possible I may return from California that way.

I was sent to the hospital for a few days last month and my doctor forbids too constant speaking. I have, therefore, declined most of the college invitations and invitations to single clubs, keeping to conventions and federations as far as possible.

I should be very grateful for all the material which you can send me from your Department. The questions after an address tend to cover a wide range and I wish to be as accurate as possible.

My plans are of necessity indefinite but as it is always a pleasure to me to speak at [Chautauqua] I shall hope to be able to arrange it this year.

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams.[signed]

P.S. I should be very glad to have the material sent care of my cousin, Mrs. Ernest A. Young, 2730 Copper Street, El Paso, Texas, and it will then reach me on my way to California.

Arthur E. Bestor, Esq.,
Washington, D.C.