Arthur Eugene Bestor to Jane Addams, February 25, 1918


February 25, 1918

Miss Jane Addams
Hull House
Chicago, Illinois

My dear Miss Addams:

I am indeed very glad to know from your letter of the 19th inst. of the invitations which have come to you in Colorado and California as a result of my letters. I sincerely hope that you will be able to fill a number of these engagements.

What are your plans for the summer? We should be delighted to welcome you again to Chautauqua. If you are going east for your vacation can you not stop off, either going or coming, sometime between July 4 and August 25? There is no particular haste in the Chautauqua matter, [although] we are making our Chautauqua program now. As you know our audiences so well and the welcome you always receive I hope you will be able to give me a favorable reply.

Cordially yours,

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