Jane Addams to Florence Kelley, December 11, 1918


December 11th, 1918

Dear Sister Kelley:

Did you find out anything further from Secretary Baker in regard to the prospect of securing passports?

I am enclosing a letter (copy) sent by Mrs. Post to Mrs. Crane, which explains the purpose of our meeting with the German women. I do not altogether like the concession she made. Please destroy the letter when you have read it. A. Hamilton declines to take your place on the Committee of Five. She feels that if she goes from the Department of Labor, being a [plain] delegate is the best she can do. Do you think you could possibly meet me at Washington some time next week or the week following Christmas and that we might possibly see what we could do together with Secretary Baker? Perhaps he could make something of an exception of our need to leave by January first. ↑I don't want to urge this but I hope you may be feeling differently. I want awfully to see you and am always devotedly yrs↓

J. Addams [signed]