Jane Addams to Arthur Eugene Bestor, February 9, 1918


February 9th, 1918

My dear Mr. Bestor:

I have communicated with Mrs. Sherman and we are making arrangements for the address at Hot Springs the first week in May. I am always very glad to speak for the General Federation of Women's Clubs, because of its very representative character, and I appreciate your service in the matter.

I am making arrangements to speak at Salt Lake City on my return from California. It is before a men's club called the Bonneville I believe. My California dates are quite unchanged but if there are no important dates in Colorado I will go by way of El Paso to visit my niece there. In that case I should be there from the seventh to the twelfth of March and could be reached care of Mrs. E. A. Young, 2730 Copper Street, El Paso, Texas.

I speak before the City Club in Cleveland for the Food Administration on the second of March. I do not know, however, that you care to have these isolated dates.

Thanking you for your courtesy in the matter, I am,

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Arthur E. Bestor, Esq.,
Washington, D.C.