Joseph Newton to Jane Addams, February 26, 1906

The People's Church,
Joseph Newton,

Dixon, Ill., Feb. 26th 1906.

Miss Jane Addams
Chicago Ill.

Good Friend--for so I like to address one who has lived, and is living in as friendly a fashion. I note in your story of your work, in the Ladies Home Journal, that you refer to Prof. David Swing, among others who were [illegible] and yet friendly to your enterprise in the beginning.

May I ask you to tell me more in detail just what Prof. Swing said--or where I can find it--and of his attitude in the matter? Also, may I ask you to give me your reminiscences and impressions of David Swing?

I am writing a little work to be called "David Swing:--Poet-Preacher," a story of his life and a study of his work, and I am [page 2] for this reason curious and [curious] to know of his attitude toward your work, especially since you mention him.

With kindest regards and best wishes for you and your work, I am

Yours fraternally
Joseph Newton.

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