Daniel L. D. Granger to Jane Addams, January [16?] 1906

16 Jany 1906
House of Representatives

Dear Madam--

The writer of the enclosed letter states that she is well-known to you which of course I do not doubt but unfortunately I am unable to decipher her signature and as I wish to acknowledge the letter I am taking the liberty of sending it to you, & ask if you will kindly inform me of the name of the writer and return it to me.

I undoubtedly know her but unfortunately I cannot make out the name. I shall be most glad to do anything in power to assist in the project she mentions. Can you tell me of any member of the House of Representatives who are interested in it or if a bill has already been introduced. The many thousand bills introduced [page 2] at each Session make it difficult to know what measures are before Congress-- Thanking you in anticipation for your reply. I beg to remain, dear Madam

Very respectfully,

DLD Granger

[Miss] Jane Addams
Hull House

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